I met my old friend Nikki for dinner at Toloache 82 in the UWS. The menu looked great. We were both excited for dinner and drinks. I had gotten there a little early reserved a nice table in the back patio. We ordered a kale salad, drinks and dinner and caught up on each other's lives.
We were seated next to 2 foreign middle-aged men. They were speaking some indistinguishable language. Sounded like German at times, French at other times and then throat clearing gutteral at other times. They were talking kind of loud, but whatever.
As the night went on, their conversation became more and more intrusive. They would loudly mutter words in this language, make these throat clearing sounds and finish off with English. It was hilarious.
Here's an example:
Je nais se pais. Es ist opportun, eine Position reduzierter potentieller Gravitationsenergie dort einzunehmen, wo die Emission musikalischer Vokalsequenzen die Präsenz mit negativer psychosozialer Prognose behafteter humaner Inpiduen negiert, da letztere kein Eigentumsrecht an musikalischen Kleinformen besitzen. Gutteral throat words... Strawberry Cheesecake for dessert.
Pour petit-déjeuner toujours, je mange un croissant et je bois le jus-d'orange mais pour déjeuner ma famille et moi aimons manger du poulet ou du poisson avec de riz. Gutteral throat words... New York City Transit.
Seriously, how are you supposed to eat with this craziness right in your face?
It got so bad that everytime they spoke I wanted to laugh. Nikki was the same way.
I tried to distract by staring at the patio lights and complementing them.
We had to get out of there. We couldn't take anymore. Unfortunately the waitress didn't feel like bringing the check so we had to sit there for another 5 minutes trying not to lose it.