This is an old Crapenstance but ridiculously awesome.
My family went to Benihana, a Japanese Steak House, years back. The head count: my dad, mom, brother, brother-in-law, sister and myself. We were seated and deciding on what to order. The waitress came over to get our drink order. She looked at my mom and said "Ready to get LOCA on Cerveza, chica!?" If you don't know my mom, she is kinda shy and reserved in public. My mom didn't say anything because she was confused. My sister and I were cracking up. The waitress said it again. "Hey chica, you ready to get locaaaaaa?"
My sister told the waitress she doesn't speak Spanish. The waitress responded with "Oh I thought you guys were Mexican." My sister answered "No, we're Pakistani."
The waitress then points to each person at the table starting with my dad. She says "Really? Because you look Mexican (dad). You look Mexican (mom). You look Mexican (brother). You look Mexican (brother-in-law). You look Mexican (sister). And you look Pakistainian (me)."
Did she really just do that!? I was kinda surprised. I think I might have said "Well, I am." Well, kind of. I'm Pakistani not Pakistainian.
That whole thing was so wrong but so awesome. Surprisingly she didn't go on any other racial profiling missions afterwards.
But damn, yo!